How to Manage Homesickness

Junior Trevor Ramagos is holding his favorite sports jersey from his hometown.

Katelyn Dewberry, Copy Editor

February marks the second month of spring semester classes, yet some students may still be experiencing homesickness. It can be difficult to realize that you may not be able to visit home often. However, students tend to adjust to the separation and instead, attempt to make Averett their home away from home.

“Here in Danville, people are super friendly and everybody’s like super supportive in everything you do,” sophomore international student Henry Blanco said.

Blanco is from Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela. He has become accustomed to staying on campus, but makes sure to bring a piece of home along with him. Blanco keeps the flag of his country hanging up in his apartment.

Another way to stay in touch with your hometown while on campus is to carry out hometown traditions.

“Actually, I just had my mom ship me a king cake for me and my roommates,” junior Trevor Ramagos said.

Ramagos is from New Orleans, Louisiana. He explained how in New Orleans a popular tradition is eating king cake for the Mardi Gras holiday. He enjoys feeling close to home through traditions, but also by wearing his favorite New Orleans Saints jersey.

Staying in contact with friends and family back home can also be beneficial to reduce feeling homesick. Blanco recommends that “having good communication” with your family. It’s a great way to know that “they’re there for you.”

A different way to think about this idea is to surround yourself with new friends and new opportunities.

“I’d say whatever you’re doing, wherever you go, whether it be at the university in the state of Virginia just 20 minutes away from you or if you are studying abroad, always do something to better yourself,” senior Christine Johnson said.

Johnson traveled abroad for a semester in Paris, France. She described how at times she did miss home, but she didn’t let that stop her from “still keeping it moving.” Instead, she focused on having new opportunities to look forward to.

“Know that you’re able and strong enough to stand on your own two feet,” Johnson said.

Students can also become more engaged on campus by joining clubs or by participating in extracurricular activities. Ramagos encourages students to become more involved on campus to avoid thinking about returning home.

Homesickness can be difficult to manage but with time, students can adapt ways to become more adjusted on campus.

For photos from  Christine Johnson’s study abroad trip check out this link: