Averett University recently announced Tammy Jackson as the new Dean of Students following the departure of Dr. JL Porter this February. Jackson, who has nearly 8 years of experience working with the University and its students, comes into her new position with the vision of an inclusive campus that creates an open line of communication and engagement among students and staff alike. In addition to her new role, Jackson also acts as the Director of International Student Services and the Transportation Administrator. Her variety of positions displays her dedication to Averett and confidence in her ability to collaborate with students and faculty in order to create an environment where students thrive in both their academic and personal lives.
“The opportunity to meet new students [really excites me], I know all 86 international students as well as another 25-30 more, but with this new role I’ve gotten the opportunity to meet so many more for all different reasons and I’m really excited about that,” Jackson exclaimed.
As Dean of Students, Jackson is provided with new opportunities to engage with students and holds the ability to influence various aspects of student life. She is able to oversee student welfare, campus events, and support personal growth.
“I’m really excited to put my own spin on this position, Dr. Porter was a great asset to our team and I think our leadership styles are similar, but there are some things that I would like to try for the University, so we will try them and see,” Jackson said regarding what the future may hold.
Communicating with students to create a more positive university experience is a key aspect of this new role. With various students having concerns regarding their connection with faculty as well as ongoing housing issues, it may turn into a slight battle to keep returning students on board with the changes. The back and forth clashes between student and staff has created a cause for concern when attempting to keep residents happy while also adhering to University regulations. Jackson hopes that within her new position that she is able to work to rectify ongoing issues to maintain a positive and supportive atmosphere here at Averett. Her willingness to address matters shows her dedication to fostering a feeling of optimism across campus.
“I feel like our residence halls will definitely need an overhaul, and we are working on that in many ways, so I feel that if we could get that situated a little better, students would be happier. We’ve also had a lot of issues with Wi-Fi, hopefully one day we can get an IT team that will be able to fix that. Those are just two things that I think will help make students much happier here,” Jackson informed.
Jackson works to create a positive experience at Averett. She coordinates opportunities for students to engage with campus life through various activities. Jackson places a strong emphasis on building a campus culture that allows students to interact with each other and build lasting relationships. As the Director of International Student Affairs she is involved in organizing events that promote cultural inclusivity, however she emphasizes that these events are for all students to come together, not just international students.
“Whenever we do these types of events, we’re not doing it for international students, I am fighting to get students to understand this. We want all students to come in and mingle and find something cultural that they didn’t know and enjoy something cultural. That type of enrichment is what I’m always shooting for,” Jackson said.
With a strong focus on creating an environment at Averett where students can thrive, Tammy Jackson takes on this new position with an opportunity to make an impact on campus that will benefit student life for years to come. She is dedicated to creating a supportive and inclusive atmosphere where students have the ability to connect and build positive memories of their lives here at Averett.