Any college student can tell you how stressful college can be, but for student athletes it’s even harder. Student athletes not only face the typical academic demands of college like homework and studying for exams, but they also have athletic training, practices and managing their diets. After you add in figuring out living on your own and juggling life in general it can be a recipe for trouble. This is why student athletes often struggle with anxiety and depression.
A lot of stress and anxiety comes from either over or under estimating the time it will take to complete a task and procrastinating or not setting healthy boundaries. There are some easy steps you can take to help manage your stress.
“Saying no to your friends sometimes can give you more time to finish your homework or just take a needed break,” Dr. Atticia Bundy, Averett University’s new director of counseling, said. “Remember saying no to someone else is saying yes to yourself.”
Bundy also suggests using a planner to keep track of due dates and athletic commitments and to remember to take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating healthy and drinking plenty of water.
Other ways to deal with stress are spending time with friends, reading a book, binge watching your favorite tv show or just listening to some music.
“What works for you now, may not work in the future, so be flexible about self-care,” Bundy said. “My biggest suggestion is to have a list of things you can do on your phone because when you are feeling stressed out or depressed, you aren’t thinking creatively about what you can do, but if you have a list, you can simply pull it up on your phone and pick one.”
This academic year Averett has two counselors. In addition to Bundy there is Anna Hall. Hall is a counseling intern from Longwood University. She is running a couple of groups on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Bishop 302 from 11:30-12:30. The groups are on different topics but center around managing stress and healthy relationships.
The best way to reach them is by Office hours are 8:30-4:30 Monday-Friday. Bundy’s direct phone number is 434-791-5624. If you call, please leave a message with your name and contact information and she will return your call as soon as possible.