Averett University offers the chance for those students who earn their undergraduate degree to pursue a master’s degree while also getting the chance to work as a staff member at Averett. Not only do students earn their graduate degree, but they have the opportunity to work and gain valuable experience while they pursue their degree as well. Averett provides these choices for people to gain a higher level of education and experience that will provide them with the necessary skills that they will need to succeed in the workplace. Averett offers many choices for students to pursue their master’s degree such as Master of Business Administration in Leadership, Master of Nursing, Master of Business Administration in Marketing and for more information go visit Averett University’s website.
Rana Davis-Robinson is a graduate assistant who works in the Housing and Residence Life Office. While working towards her master’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Leadership. She works as a staff member and has a lot of responsibilities that she has to do while overseeing her staff as well.
“I am currently the area coordinator over Fugate Hall and Commons Apartments and I oversee eleven residents assistance and two senior residents assistance,” Davis-Robinson said. “My day-to-day task is I see the duty logs from the residents’ assistance to make sure of the safety of the students and I also oversee conduct and delegate the severity between different departments.”
While being a graduate assistant at Averett you have the opportunity to apply what you learn in your master’s degree program while also working as a staff member. Being able to learn and apply what you’ve been taught in class while also being a graduate assistant can show you how to handle certain situations that can’t be taught in the classroom alone.
“I’m learning to be a leader and entrepreneur in my Human Resources class. I’m learning how to do Excel spreadsheets and maintain leadership,” Davis-Robinson said. “They also teach me how to be a director of a supervisor over other personnel and how to deal with confrontation and how to properly supervise other personnel within the work area.”
Being able to apply what you learn in class gives students the chance to get hands-on experience now and prepares them for other jobs they want to pursue in the future.
“Once I get my master’s degree I plan on going into the healthcare industry because I recently got my undergraduate degree in Sports Medicine and Physical education with a minor in biology,” Davis-Robinson said. “I want to be in Human Resources in the hospital so I plan to be in healthcare administration once I graduate.”
LaTorria Glenn is a graduate assistant who also received her undergraduate degree from Averett University. She is currently working in the Housing and Residence Life Office while working towards her master’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Leadership. Being able to learn how to balance her job, school, and personal life is a crucial part of working towards her master’s degree.
“There is a bit of pressure, especially making sure that I can get my master’s and graduate on time,” Glenn said. “I handle it as when I’m at work I only focus on doing my office work and when I’m at home I focus on doing my homework or focusing on my personal needs.” “It is important to be able to separate the two because if you bring office work back home it will stress you out more than what you already are.”
Working towards your master’s degree might be hard, but it is never impossible. Getting your master’s degree could open many opportunities for students who want to take their education to the next level and pursue their future careers.
“My advice is to just go for it,” said Glenn. “It can set you up for more success in your life if you have the opportunity to do it at Averett and be a graduate assistant.” “Get the experience now so you can be prepared for your future.”