Countryman Named Director of Residence Life

Noah Williams, Staff Writer

Rodney Countryman has been working for Averett University since 2021, but not in his current position. Countryman was the Assistant Director of Residence Life. Recently the positions in the Housing and Residence body have been going through a bunch of changes. Including a huge change for Rodney himself being promoted to Director of Residence Life. 

“The Director of Residence Life and in my new role I oversee the day-to-day operations of the Department of Housing and Residence Life. I work closely with Housing and Residence to ensure students feel welcomed and safe in their living and learning environments,” Countryman said. 

This is an important role for the University because depending on how well he does his job affects the success rate of new and returning students coming here to Averett. Without students, there would be no college, and without students no jobs for professors. 

“My experience with the Department of Housing and Residence Life has been amazing! The road isn’t always easy; however, with the help of the Housing and Residence Life and the Resident Assistants things are great. I have gained so much experience and learned a lot thus far; from trying new initiatives for effective programming to building partnerships with our amazing facilities team,” Countryman said.

Rodney proved to have much experience in Housing and Residence, making him more credible for his new position as the Director of Residence Life.