The Ember Is Open For Submissions
The Ember’s 2022-23 Flyer
October 24, 2022
The Ember, Averett University’s art and literary magazine, has recently started accepting submissions for its 2022-23 publication in spring. They are accepting submissions in two categories: written media and visual media, as well as offering six cash prizes for winners in both categories.
What makes or breaks a student-run publication is ultimately the staff. Dr. Wuest, associate professor of English and chair of the language, literature, and culture department, has worked with The Ember for the entirety of his teaching career at Averett, for seven years.
“In 2016 we shifted to an entirely student-run process, with the faculty sponsor in a supporting role, and every year our student editors rise to the challenge and continue to impress me,” Wuest said. “I appreciate their hard work, and I know that the magazine contributors and the university appreciate it too.”
The magazine relies on funding support from the university, talented editors, and students who wish to share their art with others.
“The editors, who are often the most overlooked of the above categories, are vital to the magazine, because they bring vision as well as the motivation and effort to realize their vision,” Wuest said. “The editors need to be creative, reliable, and diligent; and luckily our student editors have these qualities.”
The magazine has recently received a new editor, Eben Leigh, a junior majoring in English and minoring in history. He joined the magazine for multiple purposes, one being the opportunity to hone his editing skills.
“Secondly, I thought this would look great on a resume. Since I plan on going to law school, this being on my resume would make me a great candidate for an editor for a law review,” Leigh said. “Lastly, being a lover of the arts, I wanted to be immersed in the arts of the Averett students.”
After graduating from Averett, Leigh plans on attending the Marshall-Wythe Law School at William and Mary, with an end goal of being nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States as Chief Justice.
To submit your work to the magazine, scan the QR code on their flyer above or visit The deadline to submit to the magazine is February 3, 2023.