Bonner Students Helping a Community in Need

The Averett Bonner program started in 2017 however, The Bonner program has been in existence since 1990. The program currently operates in over 74 schools and universities across The United States.  A main principle of all Bonner programs is to be in service to their community.

“Bonner students served in their local community a certain number of hours per year,” said Director of the Bonner Program April Love. And they also examine issues of social justice, community development and then work as team and tackle different social issues in our community.”

One important thing to keep in mind is you must come in as a Bonner your freshman year or as a transfer student to be part of the Bonner Program. Some students work in an educational capacity helping with areas like tutoring in math and reading throughout the community

“So, a lot of our Bonner’s works in the YMCA and the boys and girl club tutoring after school,” said Love. “We also have students working with health equity so they’re planning a campaign on smoking and vaping to raise awareness”

Students of the Bonner Program gain invaluable experience working in unique roles while lending a needed hand in our local community.

“The program is about helping students being with engaged in the community and just doing a lot of services to help others and not just ourselves,” said first year Bonner Timothy Goldsmith and to try to give back to our community any way we can.”

Bonner students not only work in roles in health and tutoring but also partner with Danville City police department in outreach efforts.

“I’ve been working as a public relation liaison with the Danville City Police Department they have given me a couple of tasks helping them promote some of their programs that they provide for the community not just for the kids but also for adults,” said Goldsmith. “This is there way of giving back and this aligns with what it means to be a Bonner leader.”

Students in the Bonner Program get out and help in their communities on average about 3 to 5 hours a week. A portion of this time is strictly on a volunteer basis while some they receive compensation for through the Federal Work Study Program. They also are offered trainings and enrichment activities throughout their years in the program. students in the Bonner Program share a drive to be of service to others one they wish more students and people in general were willing to do.

“I have always been interested or had a passion for volunteering and working in my community,” said first year Bonner Eben Leigh. “Not enough people are out here that are willing to help and that is sad.”