Prepare For Auditions The Right Way
October 24, 2022
Averett University, throughout the school year, hold auditions that are open to anyone who wants to be part of a school play and or musical production. But first comes being ready for auditioning for the production you are interested in. A lot goes into auditioning for a theater production but as long as you know the basics, you will be prepared.
“I have done many auditions here at Averett, and been kinda nervous for each and everyone, but I am always practicing so I can do the best I can possible,” Mathew Dalton, a senior majoring in Theater, said. “As long as you show you put in the effort and try your hardest, everyone should do great. Because we don’t judge here in the Theater department.”
Depending on the theater production and the director, the needed material for the audition will change. For example, for a normal play, you might need to read a small monologue from any other play, but at the same time if the play is written by Shakespeare the director might ask for a monologue from another Shakespeare play. If you have knowledge of a Shakespeare play, Shakespeare plays have different ways of speaking than our current speech, because of the time period. Everyone auditioning must find out exactly what material is needed so they can be as prepared as possible. Put in the work and effort so the director can tell you to take the auditioning process seriously, and will be taking it seriously if they allow you to join the cast for their production.
One also very important preparation for auditions is your attire. Auditioning could be seen as if it were a job interview. For example for a job interview, the employee would be criticized if they came in with unprofessional attire and wore casual everyday clothing. Auditions are the same way and should be treated as if it was a professional interview; because you are auditioning to be in the director’s production, which can be seen as a job itself, especially to the director. Dress professionally and show you’re taking the auditions seriously out of respect for the director, the production itself, and even the other actors auditioning.
These were the key things that needed to be prepared for Auditioning here at Averett. The next play production here at Averett University that you can audition for is The Class Menace, on February 9th- 11th. This is the day of the show itself, so be ready and look out for the day of auditions when it becomes closer to this time.