Students Enjoy a Variety of Easter Traditions

Peter Culmer, Staff Writer

Easter has become a season of scavenger hunts for brightly colored eggs with sweets hidden inside.  However, this holiday has different meanings for people across not only the United States but the world.  This community includes Averett Students and below are two accounts of how Kaniyah Moore and Kendyll Curry celebrate this holiday.

Moore is currently a junior at Averett University and a marketing major.  Moore lives off-campus but still is an active member of the Averett community.  Some of the clubs and teams Moore is a part of include Sister4Sister, Black Student Union, and a base for the cheer team.  Growing up in South Philadelphia, Moore and her family created their own Easter traditions.

Moore’s Easter traditions begin with being with her parents and younger siblings.   Moore says she usually is “making Easter baskets for my(her) younger siblings and dressing up in bright colors.”

Like other holidays celebrated by her family, Moore’s family focuses on reconnecting with each other.  Their Easter traditions end with her family going to a yearly Easter egg festival at their church.

Curry is a senior in his last semester at Averett University and is double majoring in flight operations and aviation business.  Curry is also a Resident Assistant and has been professionally DJing in his free time for the past five years, going by the name “KFire the DJ”. Curry was also born and raised in the Bahamas and had a different experience compared to Moore.

Curry’s Easter traditions begin with going to church on Good Friday and the following Easter Sunday.  There is a large focus on the Revival of Christ and this is celebrated nationwide.  After going to church, Curry often goes to take pictures with family members.

After church, Curry goes to eat a meal of fried fish and hot cross buns.  The fish being reef snapper which Curry prefers and bigeye Scad or often called by natives “goggle-eye.”  Overall, Curry says that “Being with family during this time is one of these best parts of Easter.”

The family seems to play an important role in both of these students’ Easter traditions.