New Changes to Student Life to Come with the Appointment of the Director of Student Involvement

Casey Scarce, Director of Student Involvement
November 4, 2021
Welcome the newest addition to student life here at Averett University, Casey Scarce. Scarce started October 11 as director of student involvement working one on one with students and faculty alike.
Scarce graduated from the University of Lynchburg with her bachelors and masters, all while being active in her local sorority chapter and working for the admissions office. After completing her masters, Scarce stayed at Lynchburg working as an admissions officer and counselor. From there, she ventured back to her home in Danville as the coordinator of enrollment and development at Sacred Heart Catholic School.
After joining Averett, she was quick to meet with each education department, as well as the student leaders of all clubs and organizations on campus.
“I wanted to get a broad view of the student body here at Averett and try to discover where I could start to build the bridges that would allow for greater student involvement,” Scarce said. “I sat in on multiple student government meetings as well as leadership council meetings to see what their thoughts were on initiating new opportunities and changes.”
After her first few weeks, Scarce determined that she needed to focus on bringing out more involvement from students that would ultimately lead to a greater student retention. To do this she plans on offering more leadership opportunities for students all around campus, leadership summits for all athletes and student leaders, and building a stronger first year program.
“I want to see more clubs and organizations on campus, and I’m open to any opportunity as long as a student has an advisor, mission statement, and at least five people interested in their idea. I would like to bring a much broader first year program with events going on every single day for the first 60 days of school,” Scarce said. “In the same sense, I want to be able to have a senior week coordinated with SGA to celebrate their accomplishments.”
Directing her focus back towards the immediate impact of clubs and organizations on campus, she plans on streamlining communication to make it easier for students to plan events. To do this she would like to use a new app where students can view all events planned, submit event requests, and even be able to calculate attendance to see which events students do and don’t attend.
“The main thing I want students to know is that now is the time to start a new club or organization. There are no bad ideas. I want to work together with all students to offer opportunities for every person to be involved on campus,” Scarce said.
If you have an idea for a way to get students involved on campus, email Casey Scarce at [email protected].