Homecoming Festivities Endure Online

Tholoi Selli, Staff Writer

The annual event that we enjoy dearly was a successful weekend filled with Averett students of past, present and future. For the first time in history, Homecoming at Averett was virtual. With the gathering of all the different faces of Averett, it shows how far this school has come with its long history of campus community coming together and being a big part of the culture.

One of the major events of the Homecoming weekend was the alumni awards ceremony. This ceremony was to recognize outstanding Averett graduates who were exceptional in their studies, in their profession or communities and in athletics.

The students who were excellent in their respective sport had the opportunity to become inducted into the Averett Athletics Hall of Fame.

According to Alumni Director Dan Hayes, Homecoming is important to many people who are invested into Averett culture.

“I focus on how the University is inviting alumni to be a part of the campus,” Hayes said. “We had very influential alumni that attended the career expo events. Several students got the chance to practice resume writing and interview skills while practicing with people who were actually in a position to hire them. I’m so thankful those alumni were willing to give their time to help to position students to be successful after graduation.”

Averett shows that it is a community who cares for their students even after their time in school. Another exciting Homecoming event was the football game at E. Stuart North Campus. Instead of playing another school, the Averett football team had an intrasquad scrimmage as the entertainment for Saturday. A few spectators were allowed to come to the stadium to watch and the others were able to watch the game online.

Devin Merrit, a senior business management major said this about the weekend events, “it was different from the events having to be a week prior as well as it being virtual. Yes, games were played but the crowd did not fill up North Campus.”

Even with the strain of the Co-Vid 19 virus, the events still pushed on and turned out to be a great success.