Freshmen Adjust to College and COVID
October 19, 2020
When looking at the freshman class as a whole, one might wonder how they have made it so far under the overwhelming circumstances that they are facing for the first time. The trials of college education as well as the maneuvering through the COVID stages may make is seems as if the odds are stacked against these students.
This semester is so different from the others because of the lack of interaction between students. Many students haven’t had the chance to meet and get to know each other due to COVID.
“This semester is different because I was really expecting the family energy that Averett gives its students but Co-vid 19 got in the way of that,”Keith Mims, a freshman aviation major, said.
The normal relationships and bonds that are usually formed through cohesion have been delayed due to the lack of interaction. Although students are in a very different situation, it is important to try and keep a positive attitude because the work still needs to get done.
“I’ve adjusted by trying to stay on top of my classes more and staying more focused than I was in high school,” John Van Huss, a freshman business major, said.
This semester came with a lot of rules and regulations in order to receive a proper education in the time of a pandemic so everything can’t be perfect but with due time, it can get much better.
“Things could probably improve by more events with less people or just making sure everyone wears masks,” freshman undecided major Curry Slack Jr. said.
Slack believes Averett should try to hold more in-person, interactive events. Averett should add something in some way to give it students excitement even if social distancing is required.