Clubs Striving to Stay Involved on Campus

Sarah Shropshire, Staff Writer

There are numerous ways to get involved on Averett’s campus. One of the easiest ways is to join a club. Averett has 23 established clubs and organizations, while 17 of these are currently active.


Averett strives to create inclusion and diversity on its campus and it is reflected through the differences in the clubs the campus has. Black Student Union’s (BSU) purpose is to educate the Averett University students and community on African-American culture. BSU members are also role models on campus and in the community.

BSU is currently meeting and thinking of ways to expand their club on campus.


“We are planning and thinking of ways to expand our club, because it is more important now than ever for us to send our messages out to students on campus,” Chase Nixon, a junior and president of BSU, said. BSU is planning a Unity Walk that will take place in October.


Several clubs have also been affected due to COVID-19 and have had to adjust to their plans and procedures.


SAAC Eboard members (photo taken pre-COVID)

The Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) has adjusted quickly to the challenges they have faced due to COVID-19. They are holding virtual zoom meetings biweekly for team representatives, while trying to get student-athletes engages as well.


“Due to COVID, we’ve been more focused on our social media platforms,” Allison Kelley, SAAC vice president, said. SAAC has been not only present on their platforms in the past couple of weeks, but have also been asking sports teams to get engaged by submitting video challenges.


Brother4Brother members Dressing for Success. (photo taken pre-COVID)

Brother4Brother is also trying to keep their club interactive through social media. Every Monday, Brother4Brother members “Dress for Success.” They wear business professional clothing. “I have all of our members send in pictures to keep them accountable for dressing up, and then have them tag our Instagram page if they would like to post pictures,” Xavier Agular, senior, president of Brother4Brother, said.


Our clubs have been facing some adversity, but are finding ways to persevere.


“It has been difficult trying to hold as many events as we typically do, but we are adapting and taking creative approaches to keep our club and peers involved,” Nixon said.