Face to Face or Online? Students Discuss the Pros and Cons of Instructional Methods
September 11, 2020
For quite a while students have had to adjust to the different learning methods various universities have implemented throughout the country. Averett decided to bring all students back to campus this Fall, and wanted to try different options of online learning and face-to-face learning. There are three different methods Averett is using to teach students during pandemic — normal face-to-face classes, all online classes, and hybrid classes. All have different perspectives and most students have different preferences.
The first type of learning is face to face. Students are fans of the face to face just because it “feels normal.” With the way things have changed since Covid going to class is the only thing that seems the same was as it was last year. Although some students hate wearing a mask to class it still is some people’s favorite method of learning.
“I feel I learn much more when I am face to face every class period,” senior Bryson Davis said.
The next type of learning is hybrid. Hybrid learning has become a favorite for some students. Students say they enjoy the face-to-face interaction with the professor but also get the enjoyment out of the virtual part of learning.
“Hybrid is different for me but I enjoy it because I can lay in my bed and still get counted present for class,” freshman Jamael Carter said.
For some, online learning is their least favorite. Some students don’t feel like they learn enough from online instruction. Students have struggled with keeping track of all the assignments, due dates, etc.
“Online learning has been a struggle for me because having other classes in person sometimes makes me forget that I have that class,” sophomore Jordan Lewis said.
All the types of learning styles have been introduced and each in their own way have their pros and cons. Students will always have problems with what is going on due to the circumstances but ultimately will do what it takes to get a degree.